Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jill Long may need a new running mate

2008 Indiana lt. gov. candidate surrenders for arrest - WTHR | Indianapolis

Here is a little background from an earlier article:
Prosecutors say surveillance video at a downtown Citgo station shows a cab driver dropping off former state representative Dennis Oxley and a 21-year-old intern. According to police, Oxley had too much to drink, and so did the intern.

"She was on the ground, in and out of consciousness and on the ground," said Carl Brizzi, Marion County prosecutor.

Brizzi used the video as part of the evidence to file charges against Oxley.

Investigators say on Friday June 26th around 1:00 am, officers responded to the gas station on a call about a woman in distress.

"He left a 21-year-old lying in the street for a very long period of time," said Brizzi.

Officers say they found her on the ground and Oxley fleeing the scene. Prosecutors say the video shows him carrying a pair of women's shoes. Oxley reportedly claimed they were not together, but Brizzi doesn't buy it.

"Officers confronted Oxley who was fleeing the scene with the intern's shoes," Brizzi said.
Maybe he will seek help for what seems be a problem with alcohol.

Update: Hoosierpundit posted a copy of the Probable Cause Affidavit

Great fireworks tonight!

Happy Independence Day!

Fort Wayne Tea Party

We held another Tea Party today in Fort Wayne, sort of. This event was thrown together by the folks at The ArchAngel Institute at what seems to be the last minute. Guy Hinton spoke at the end of the event and said that there was some problems with the location. I will drop him a line to see what happened exactly. Thanks to The ArchAngel Institute for stepping in.

Well, here are a few photos from today's event.

If we want things to change, we have to do better than this. Hopefully the other events across the country worked out better.

Over the top support for allies

Biden Says Violence May Cause Disengagement From Iraq
I don't think we can blame these comments on Joe alone. They seem to fit the typical support of our allies from the Obama administration.
Vice President Joseph Biden told Iraqi leaders that the path to a secure peace lies in uniting ethnic and sectarian groups and said the U.S. might disengage from their country if it reverts to sustained violence.
He also told Maliki that if Iraq fell into a period of sectarian violence or engaged in ethnic fighting, such a step would change the nature of U.S. engagement, a senior administration official said, according to the report. The aide did not offer specifics about the change, it said.

A-meh-rica Rising: Lost Perspective, Willful Ignorance

It's great when someone else puts your thoughts in to words.
How can a country that cares more about the deaths of pop stars and pitchmen than the death of responsibility and the crippling of our economic future remain strong? How can we survive in a world where we view ourselves, our allies, and our enemies as occupying the same moral ground?
Clarendon really hits the nail on the head. Please read the entire article.
A-meh-rica Rising: Lost Perspective, Willful Ignorance

There's nothing like quality time with the kids...

Cynthia Mary Roberson is an unemployed mother who police say led her 12- and 14-year-old sons and their friends to commit at least 20 armed robberies and assaults, including the beating of a teenage boy who had nothing more than an orange lollipop.
Police: Arizona woman led sons on crime spree -

At least they're learning a trade.

Prayer rejected for citing Jesus (

This shouldn't surprise me. Any state that continually re-elects Murtha, is bound to have other idiots in public office.
"I wrote the prayer and sent it to them and they sent back a very short rejection notice," he recalls. "So I wrote back, 'I'm curious as to why.' And they said it had an offensive word. Can you tell me what the word was?' And they came back and said 'Jesus.'"
Prayer rejected for citing Jesus (

Here we go again

With everything that is happening in our country and the world, I need to speak out even if no one listens.