As we move forward in the coming weeks, I understand that members of Congress from both parties will want to engage in a vigorous debate and contribute their own ideas. And I welcome those contributions. I welcome any sincere attempts to improve legislation before it reaches my desk. But what I will not accept are attempts to stall, or drag our feet. I will not accept partisan efforts to block reform at any cost.He and the Democrats do not welcome any contributions that are not aligned with the plan that they are pushing. Where are solid clear cut amendments that eliminate funding for abortion? Where are the conscience clauses? Where is tort reform? Where is the amendment enabling insurance sales across state lines? (This actually falls within their constitutional powers of regulating interstate commerce.) Where are the myriad of other amendments that have been proposed? Neither the President nor the Democrats are interested in debate or contributions from the Republicans. Liar is the only response that really fits his words.
Instead, I expect us to move forward with a spirit of civility, a seriousness of purpose, and a willingness to compromise that characterizes our democratic process at its very best.Civility? Joe Wilson was excoriated for shouting "You Lie" during the President's address to Congress and he was wrong for doing so. But when Alan Grayson says that Republicans want sick Americans to "die quickly" and likens the current health care system to the Holocaust, does Nancy Pelosi or any of the Democratic leadership denounce him? No!
Actions speak louder than words -- all we hear from the White House and the Democrats is the sound of silence.