Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shut up and Obey! We know what's best for you.

We know what's best. First, we have Michigan.

State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids
Each day before the school bus comes to pick up the neighborhood's children, Lisa Snyder did a favor for three of her fellow moms, welcoming their children into her home for about an hour before they left for school.

Regulators who oversee child care, however, don't see it as charity. Days after the start of the new school year, Snyder received a letter from the Michigan Department of Human Services warning her that if she continued, she'd be violating a law aimed at the operators of unlicensed day care centers.
We can't have neighbors helping each other; that's the government's job.  I knew Detroit was messed up, but I had hope for the rest of the state. I was wrong.

Second, we have New York.

School district could backpedal on policy
Seventh-grader Adam Marino is getting a firsthand lesson in civil disobedience.

The 12-year-old and his mother, Janette Kaddo Marino, are defying Saratoga Springs school policy by biking to Maple Avenue Middle School on Route 9. The Jackson Street residents pedal more than four miles together each way to the middle school on nice days despite being told not to by school officials and police.

I applaud this Mother for standing up against an out of control system and teaching her son to do the same. The country could use more of this sort of parenting.
The biking debate started last spring, when school district officials told Kaddo Marino that Adam was violating school rules by biking to class. Walking to the school also is not permitted.
Kids getting exercise and fresh air.  What is the world coming to?  Before you know it they will be eating vegetables.  We have to nip it in the bud!

Listen to overpaid celebrities

If you haven't seen the health care ad sponsored by with Will Ferrell and other celebrities, don't bother. Watch this one instead. Its actually funny.

I don't know who put this together, but they did an excellent job.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation

This is another story that for which this blog was titled. We, the American taxpayer, are paying the salaries of folks at the National Science Foundation who spend their days surfing porn sites on the web.  It's not just a few isolated incidents, but there are so many perverts there that...
they swamped the agency's inspector general and forced the internal watchdog to cut back on its primary mission of investigating grant fraud and recovering misspent tax dollars.
This is the National Science Foundation we are talking about. Hasn't anyone there heard of blocks or filters. There cannot be any business reason to visit these sites, but according to one individual there are humanitarian reasons.
For instance, one senior executive spent at least 331 days looking at pornography on his government computer and chatting online with nude or partially clad women without being detected, the records show.

When finally caught, the NSF official retired. He even offered, among other explanations, a humanitarian defense, suggesting that he frequented the porn sites to provide a living to the poor overseas women. Investigators put the cost to taxpayers of the senior official's porn surfing at between $13,800 and about $58,000.

"He explained that these young women are from poor countries and need to make money to help their parents and this site helps them do that," investigators wrote in a memo.
331 DAYS!?!? At least it appears he took some vacation time. Humanitarian work can be so stressful.

If Congress and President Obama want to fix something, let them start with crap like this. If it were me and I was caught looking at porn while at work, I would be walked to the door without a word. And I should be. Zero tolerance.

Release Roman Polanski..

...into a room filled with fathers of teenage girls. And just to make it interesting, we'll give the fathers baseball bats.

I wasn't going to post on the Polanski arrest because it brings out a side of me that asks for vengeance not necessarily justice, hence the opening to this post. Vengeance arises from emotion and justice proceeds from reason. The Polanski arrest pushes those emotional buttons. That being said, the bastard needs to be brought before a court in the United States and face the charges he ran from.

The statements coming from the some of Hollywood crowd are abhorrent for example,  Whoopi Goldberg: "It wasn't rape-rape..."  From this description, IT WAS RAPE. (Caution, very graphic.)  The women of the View should be ashamed of themselves.

Father Thomas J. Reese, S.J. has an interesting Op Ed asking what would be said if it was Father Polanski the priest instead of Roman Polanski the artist.
The outcry would be universal. Victim groups would demand the award be withdrawn and that the organization apologize. Religion reporters would be on the case with the encouragement of their editors. Editorial writers and columnist would denounce the knights as another example of the insensitivity of the Catholic Church to sexual abuse.
This is just more of the double standards that we see today. When a crucifix in a jar of urine is considered art, why would we expect Hollywood to stand against a rapist. I think Father Reese sums it up best.
Entertainment is the new religion with sex, violence and money the new Trinity. The directors and stars are worshiped and quickly forgiven for any infraction...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mock Town Hall Videos Up at YouTube

It looks as if I have not been on top of this. I found about five videos on YouTube today from the 9/1/09 Mock Town Hall. They were posted about three weeks ago. I'm not sure how I missed these, but I did. Mea Culpa.

These are not the "official" videos, but at least something has been put up.

The other four can be seen here, here, here and finally here. This last one may have been the most passionate speech of the night.

Attempted Assassination of Saudi Prince

Here is an update to Friday's post of the attempted assassination of a Saudi prince where the terrorist exploded a bomb that he had hidden up is backside.

Are we going to see cavity searches by TSA in the near future?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Police in Toronto Confiscate Guns from Citizens

Canadian citizens are facing police going door to door searching for guns that are improperly registered or stored. This project is focused on cutting down the number of weapons that could be stolen from Canadians and used in a crime.
"Legal handgun owners are not dangerous individuals," Blair told reporters at a Tuesday news conference. "But we know from experience that their firearms can become extremely dangerous when they get into the hands of criminals. And so we have undertaken a number of initiatives to reduce the availability of those handguns."
This could never happen in America, right? Right? I'm not so sure anymore. With people such as Cass Sunstein heading the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, I'm just not sure.

HT: Warner Todd Huston

Regulations costing California big time

Study: Regulation costs California economy almost $500 billion

This is interesting in conjunction with this article from the Cato Institute last month.
Federal Worker Pay Blasts Off
The new data show that the 1.8 million federal civilian workers earned an average wage of $77,143 in 2007, which is 61 percent higher than the $48,035 average in the U.S. private sector. That 61 percent pay advantage has increased from a 34 percent advantage in 2000.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Drunk and Stupid

A man who was refused a drink at a VFW in upstate New York made the mistake of burning their flag.
"I found him on Sunday and I duct taped him to the flag pole," Normile said bluntly. "He didn't deny it, said he was drunk. Let's just say he volunteered to sit out here duct taped to the pole."

Let's just say he volunteered...

The Stimulus is Working

Stimulus funds boost number of jobs; federal jobs that is.
The $787 billion economic recovery package also is stimulating growth in the federal government as agencies hire thousands of workers and spend millions of dollars to oversee and implement the package, according to government records and spokesmen.

Fourteen of the top federal agencies responsible for spending under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act say they've hired about 3,000 workers with stimulus money. That's helped fuel the continued growth of the federal government, which increased by more than 25,000 employees, or 1.3%, since December 2008, according to the latest quarterly report. During that time, the ranks of the nation's unemployed increased by nearly 4 million, Labor Department statistics show.
Well President Obama did promise to create or save millions of jobs. We should of known he was talking about government jobs.

USCCB's Social Justice Arm Caught Funding Pro-Abortion/Prostitution Groups: Takes "Decisive" Action in Response has published an article concerning action being taken by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) in response to a report by Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM) demonstrating that the CCHD has been funding groups that support abortion, contraception, same-sex "marriage," and legalized prostitution.
Reacting to the BVM report, McCloud said, "I was shocked."  McCloud also told LSN that he had not seen any of the information before.  "We routinely, whenever we get complaints and issues that are with some of our groups that even remotely could be contrary to Catholic teaching, we do a serious investigation and look at them," he said.  "And that's what we're doing on these."
Asked how the groups were put on the list in the first place, McCloud explained that "[the] profile of the work that [these groups] were doing in low-income communities did not include things like voters guides.  When we had first begun a relationship with them, they weren't doing any advocacy at all, and we focus just on that particular portion of the work."
In response to the CCHD's handling of the report, Gasper stated, "My organization's pleased that they're taking some active steps, obviously." However, "we're still concerned about how these groups managed to receive funding in the first place," he said.  "We would like to see some steps taken to ensure that that doesn't happen again in the future."
Transparency is definitely needed.

From BMV's report:
Steps you can take to help this campaign

Inform Yourself:

* Take the time to read the information presented on this page carefully and critically.
* Visit the USCCB CCHD website to make sure you’ve heard all sides of this issue
* Read the documents and encyclicals concerning Church social teaching (soon to be posted in the resource section of this web-site)
* Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit

Inform Others:

* E-mail this information to those you know
* Speak to your pastor and parish priests
* Write or meet with your Bishop (a sample letter will be uploaded in the near future)
* Place informational pamphlets in your parish or local Catholic book stores (ask for permission if necessary. A sample pamphlet will be uploaded in the near future)
* Link to this website from your blog or social networking site

Act Decisively:

* Withhold your donation to the CCHD
* Place a note in the collection basket explaining the reasons why you did not contribute to the CCHD (Sample collection note)
* Remain vigilant and continue to inform others until the demands have been met

Terror Plot Round Up

Dallas, TX

Springfield, IL

Raleigh, NC

New York, NY via Denver, CO

Even though some of these investigations have been going on for years, how long before the media credits the current administration for being tough on terror?  Or will the administration itself stand up and take credit?

Update: The New York Daily News has a good article listing the recent terrorist activity in the USA.

The administration attacks the 1st Amendment

President Obama can go on every television show known to man, including some that we don't know about, and push his health care agenda. But let an insurance company send a letter to their policy holders highlighting what they feel their customers need to know and the government goes ballistic. It seems the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is publishing the same "misleading" information.

More info here here and here.

Our President should have been saying this...


A SUICIDE bomber tried to kill a Saudi prince by detonating TNT hidden up his BACKSIDE.

Proof there are guardian angels

Watch this video and then tell me guardian angels don't exist. Heck even the media points this out at the end.

I'll never make a disparaging comment about those guard posts again.

Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year

We are the culture of "It's owed to me." This is why President Obama was elected.
By 2012, nearly $1 trillion from the top 30 percent of American families will be redistributed among the bottom 70 percent if Obama’s proposals on taxes, health care, and climate change become law, according to the Tax Foundation.

“Even if none of Obama’s policies becomes law, the extent of income redistribution is remarkable,” Scott Hodge, president of the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, said. “The top-earning 40 percent of families will transfer $826 billion to the bottom 60 percent in 2012.”

Under the Obama plan, 70 percent of American families as a group -- those earning less than $109,460 -- will receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes, Hodge said.
Whatever happened to working for a living?

Where is Nancy Pelosi"

Where are speeches denouncing these protesters as dangerous?

What, no derogatory comments from the talking heads?

No obscene euphemisms for these protesters?


I'm sure that many of you have seen the unsettling video of the children at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ and heard about the NEA's questionable contacts with artists to urge them to support the administration's policies. Well the video below show some frightening parallels.

The mainstream media may be biased

I don't believe it.

OK, maybe a little biased.

H/T - The Anchoress

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

40 Days for Life

From the 40 Days for Life website:
Today -- on Wednesday, September 23 -- the largest 40 Days for Life campaign in history kicks off in a staggering 212 cities across 45 U.S. states, 5 Canadian provinces, and Denmark!

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:

* 40 days of prayer and fasting
* 40 days of peaceful vigil
* 40 days of community outreach

We are praying that, with God's help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city -- and throughout America.
A prayer vigil has been set up on Inwood Drive across from the local abortion clinic here in Fort Wayne. This is to be a place of prayer from 8:00AM to 8:00PM for the next 40 days.

What are the Bishops saying about health care?

The American Papist has a great round up of what the Bishops are saying about health care.
There is now a growing list of bishops across the United States who have preached or written about their prudential opposition to the current health care proposal in Congress.
He posts 41 Bishops with links to most of their statements.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along??

OK, so now I'm a racist. At least that's what I keep hearing lately. To be honest, I don't pay it much mind, especially we it comes from people like President Jimmy Carter. I never cared much for his policies when he was in office and his rhetoric has only gone down hill since then. When Osama bin Laden recommends your book, it should give a person pause.

Give me a break! Yes, there is racism out there, but the majority of people that are standing up against health care and the other big spending legislation that is being pushed by President Obama and the democrats are against it because of the spending. Frank Luntz did some very interesting research for his latest book, "What Americans Really Want ... Really."
The latest flareup over supposed racism is only the most recent example. America certainly isn't perfect, but as a society, we are intolerant of intolerance, and we'll immediately demonize anyone, anywhere who tries to play the race card. Just ask Bill Clinton.

The real reason why 72% of the people I interviewed say that they're "mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore" has nothing to do with racism. No, their rage is about a lack of accountability, a lack of respect, and a lack of progress in the nation's capital.
Washington and the folks on the left need to cut out the name calling and pay attention to what the average guy is saying or the may be looking for a new line of work.

ACORN in a Nutshell

The New York Post has an article that pretty well summarizes ACORN for those that are unfamiliar with them.

Just how nutty is ACORN?

Very, say longtime watchers of the extreme leftwing group that sprouted out of a radical 60s anti-government movement.

For decades ACORN has presented itself as a grassroots network dedicated to improving the lives of the poor.

But there's more to ACORN than its do-gooder veneer.

Just ask the banks, corporations and politicians who've been the target of ACORN's shameless shenanigans over the past 40 years.

Here's how the tiny seed of 1960s radicalism blossomed into a well-funded, national organization with political connections reaching all the way to the White House:

If you are just now hearing of ACORN, then read this article.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Criminally stupid...
A criminally insane killer who strangled a woman because voices told him she was a witch has walked away from an Eastern State Hospital field trip to the Spokane Interstate Fair and may be trying to hitchhike home to Sunnyside.
Whoever was responsible for OK'ing this should be fired, if not prosecuted. Only in Washington state.

Ground Hog Day Revisited

President Obama will be appearing on five , count 'em five, Sunday morning talk shows. I guess he figures that if he repeats his story often enough we will believe it. CBS, NBC, ABC, Univision, and CNN -- don't expect any tough questions from this crew. To make even more milktoast, the interviewers will not get to hear what the others ask. So the same questions will be repeated over and over and over again. Repeat it often enough and people will believe it.

You are getting sleepy, verry sleepy...

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Catholic Church and ACORN

Two interesting blog posts concerning the relationship of the Catholic Church with ACORN through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). I have to confess, I do not know much about CCHD, but I have started looking into it.

The first is from American Papist and the second is from

One positive point that bears mentioning from Roger Ellis' post at BigGovernment:
The bishops finally announced that CHD would no longer be funding ACORN around this time last year.
If you are Catholic and care about our Church, I urge you to read both posts.

Everyone is beginning to realize that ACORN is a joke

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Audacity of Hos
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Pelosi Has a Point About Violence

Pelosi Chokes Up Amid Fears of Political Violence
Pelosi Chokes Up Amid Fears of Political Violence

It's easy to predict things that happen in the past...

Let's see, there was Kenneth Gladney in St. Louis that used his head and body to abuse the feet some SEIU innocents.

How about William Rice, who forced a supporter of health-care reform to bite off his finger.

Then there was the Right Wing Extremist in Tucson that hit an Obamacare supporter in the elbow with his head.

And then from the President himself...
"They Bring a Knife...We Bring a Gun"
"Get in Their Faces!"
“Hit Back Twice As Hard”

I would have never thought that I would agree with Nancy Pelosi, but I do.

Legalize the Illegals?!

I can see it now...
Axelrod: OK, how do we get around covering illegal aliens with government health care?

Obama: I've got an idea! What if we give all of the illegal aliens amnesty!

Axelrod: How does that fix it?

Obama: If there aren't any illegal aliens, then universal health care won't be covering them and I won't be a liar.

Axelrod: Brilliant!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Half Full or Half Empty

A group of Senators sent a letter today to Harry Reid requesting an investigation into ACORN. The letter was signed by 28 Senators including our own Senator Lugar. My question is -- WHERE WAS EVAN BAYH???

I say half empty.

The House Also Votes to Defund ACORN

Following the Senate's lead, the House voted today to cut off funding to ACORN 345 to 75. This comes after Pelosi, just yesterday said, ACORN who?

And who are the die hard supporters of the Organizers:
Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc.
Xavier Becerra, D-Calif.
Robert Brady D-Pa.
Corrine Brown, D-Fla.
G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C.
Mike Capuano, D-Mass.
Andre Carson, D-Ind. ("Representing" Indiana's 7th District)
Kathy Castor, D-Fla.
Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo.
James Clyburn, D-S.C.
Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y.
Elijah Cummings, D-Md.
Danny Davis, D-Ill.
Diane DeGette, D-Colo.
Bill Delahunt, D-Mass.
Mike Doyle, D-Pa.
Donna Edwards, D-Md.
Keith Ellison, D-Minn.
Eliot Engel, D-N.Y.
Chaka Fattah, D-Pa.
Bob Filner, D-Calif.
Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio
Al Green, D-Tex.
Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz.
Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y.
Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii
Rush Holt, D-N.J.
Mike Honda, D-Calif.
Jesse Jackson, Jr. D-Ill.
Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Tex.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Tex.
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich.
Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio
Rick Larsen, D-Wash.
Barbara Lee, D-Calif.
John Lewis, D-Ga.
Stephen Lynch, D-Mass.
Markey, D-Mass.
Betty McCollum, D-Minn.
McDermott, D-Wash.
McGovern, D-Mass.
Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.
Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va.
Gwen Moore, D-Wisc.
Jim Moran, D-Va.
Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.
Richard Neal, D-Mass.
John Olver, D-Mass.
Frank Pallone, D-N.J.
Bill Pascrell, D-N.J.
Donald Payne, D-N.J.
Jared Polis, D-Colo.
David Price, D-N.C.
Nick Rahall, D-W.Va.
Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y.
Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Calif.
Bobby Rush, D-Ill.
Linda Sánchez, D-Calif.
Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill.
David Scott D-Ga.
Bobby Scott, D-Va.
Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.
Brad Sherman, D-Calif.
Albio Sires, D-N.J.
Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y.
Pete Stark, D-Calif.
Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.
Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y.
Niki Tsongas, D-Mass.
Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y.
Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
Diane Watson, D-Calif.
Henry Waxman, D-Calif.
Robert Wexler, D-Fla.
Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif.

Only one from Indiana. Maybe we can change that in 2010.

The Dynamic Duo Continue to Use ACORN as a Punching Bag

I haven't been able to post and I'm sure everyone has seen these, but here are links to Hannah and James' exploits #4, San Bernardino, and #5, San Diego.

Monday, September 14, 2009

After having their noses rubbed in it, the Senate notices that something stinks...

Well, let's keep this simple. Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska introduced an amendment (Johanns #2355) to block Acorn from receiving funds in the transportation and housing appropriations bill H.R. 3288.

Believe it or not, the amendment passed 83-7 with 9 not voting. This should surprise anyone. They were hit in the face with ghastly ACORN scandals three times in less than a week and on Saturday, more than a million pissed off patriots camped outside their offices. Of course they were going to vote Yea, unless you were really foolish. Who were the foolish Senators?
Burris (D-IL)
Casey (D-PA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Leahy (D-VT)
Sanders (I-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
I will say this for these guys, they stood by their principles.

Finally, this is far from over. There is plenty of time for this amendment to be eliminated and everyone that voted Yea realizes it. How may of the Yea's were political expediency and how many were sincere? I'm sure we will find out before this is over.

Hannah and James Strike Again

This time in the Big Apple.

Way to go Hanna and James!

Here is Part 2.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Real Difference between Conservatives and Liberals

Which group has a smaller impact on the environment?

Gateway Pundit has the answer.

Free Speech, A Fresh Perspective

Derek Hunter has a interesting post up at
To understand what I’m talking about, the first thing you have to understand it that the Constitution does NOT grant you rights, it protects the rights you inherently have from government intrusion. The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights is this:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Just look at the part that addresses speech, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…” Nowhere does it say that you are granted the right of freedom of speech, it says you have it, were born with it, and the government cannot do anything about it. But that’s not how it’s viewed or even talked about by politicians these days.
He stresses that our right are God given and not doled out in the Constitution. Heck isn't that what the Declaration of Independence says:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...
We seem to forget this at times. Read the entire post and remember where your rights originate.

Get Out and Stay Out!

Here's an interesting clip I found while browsing YouTube for 9/12 coverage. It seems so enterprising, capitalistic ACORN members thought that they could earns some cash by selling "Don't Tread On Me" flags at the 9/12 rally in DC. After a minor altercation with some protesters they are escorted out by the police. It must have been something to see - one fella telling everyone along the way that they were from ACORN, an Asian woman yelling at them, one guy taking photos of them, another video taping the entire affair and two police officers on bikes escorting everyone.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Speaking of Numbers - Whoa!

Vodkapundit has a couple of interesting posts concerning the size of the crowd.

From his earlier post...
Here are some of the things she saw today, by the numbers.

•70 outdoor port-a-potties.

•90 minute wait to use one.

•The People Meter on Penn Ave had read 450,000 by noon, and 1.5 million two hours later. (That last number still looks awfully high to me.)

•1 DC police officer, who told her, “I’ve been here 20 years and this is the largest crowd I’ve ever seen.”
Then a follow up post...
Charlie Martin — a computer scientist with extensive intelligence experience — emails from his secret bunker near Boulder, CO:

I did a back-of-envelope based on the photos and reports. A pretty dense crowd is about 1.8 people per square meter, and the National Mall alone is about 125 hectares, 1.25 million square meters. So that would be 2.3 million people.

Given the report from Steve of an actual literal count of 450K early on, I think the 2 million number is *very* plausible.

Knowing Charlie like I do, I’m inclined to trust his guestimates more than most people’s “facts.”

Which in this case… whoa.

The March on Washington

This first video is a great time lapse overview...

I don't necessarily believe the 1.5 - 2 mill #, but the video does a good job of showing the crowd.

Here's something from the younger generation...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Maryland State's Attorney May Prosecute O'Keefe & Guiles

This makes a whole lot of sense. Prosecute the people uncovering corruption. This couldn't possibly be politically motivated, could it?

Baltimore, MD – September 11, 2009 – We have received inquiries from citizens and the media asking whether the Baltimore City State’s Attorneys Office would initiate a criminal investigation for acts allegedly committed at ACORN offices located in Baltimore. The only information received in reference to this alleged criminal behavior was a YouTube video. Upon review by this office, the video appears to be incomplete. In addition, the audio portion could possibly have been obtained in violation of Maryland Law, Annotated Code of Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article §10-402, which requires two party consent.

If it is determined that the audio portion now being heard on YouTube was illegally obtained, it is also illegal under Maryland Law to willfully use or willfully disclose the content of said audio. The penalty for the unlawful interception, disclosure or use of it is a felony punishable up to 5 years.

Update: Hot Air has more information on Patricia Jessamy, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney, that is threatening to bring charges against O'Keefe and Giles.

Never Forget

Deja Vu

This is beginning to look like Bill Murray's Groundhog Day...

Thanks to, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles.

And the first fruits of their labor...
The Census Bureau has established criteria for partnerships, which are listed on our Web site at , and reserves the right to decline partnership or to terminate an existing partnership agreement with any group that 1) may create a negative connotation for the Census Bureau; 2) could distract from the Census Bureau’s mission; or, 3) may make people fearful of participating in the census.

To that end, and in keeping with the standards we shared with your organization and others who volunteered to partner with the Census Bureau to help promote the 2010 Census, we are today terminating our Partnership Agreement with ACORN.

Update: Hey look who finally pulled their heads out of the sand -- ABC (~7:30PM), CBS (~8:30PM), NY Times(~10:00PM), and last but not least MSNBC (~10:30). You go guys!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

You shouldn't have to choose

From the folks at -- I may just change my mind about Obamacare.

ACORN - Creating Jobs for the People of Baltimore

The president promised to create jobs and it appears that the people of ACORN are doing their part to help the president. Andrew Breitbart's new site, Big Government, has some shocking hidden camera footage of a pair of ACORN workers. Just watch the video below and see for yourself.

What can you say! This organization is abusing the people they say that they help. Call you Representatives and Senators (bot state and federal) and demand that any government assistance to ACORN cease immediately and full investigation be undertaken immediately.

Remember this SNL skit with Eddie Murphy portraying Velvet Jones. Life again imitates art.

Update: Representative Steve King calls for a Congressional investigation.

Update2: ACORN fires 2 after hidden-camera footage aired
Maryland ACORN board member Margaret Williams says in a statement the employees "did not meet ACORN's standards of professionalism."
Yeah, they were caught on tape!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thoughts from the President's Speech Tonight

They could be twins!
Joe Biden Walter
see more Celeb Look-A-Likes

Sorry, I couldn't pay attention to the speech after that came to mind.

'Contraception cheapest way to combat climate change'

Contraception is almost five times cheaper as a means of preventing climate change than conventional green technologies, according to research by the London School of Economics.

The report, Fewer Emitter, Lower Emissions, Less Cost, concludes that family planning should be seen as one of the primary methods of emissions reduction. The UN estimates that 40 per cent of all pregnancies worldwide are unintended.

If these basic family planning needs were met, 34 gigatons (billion tonnes) of CO2 would be saved – equivalent to nearly 6 times the annual emissions of the US and almost 60 times the UK’s annual total.
Everyone that believes that abortion is not included under the auspices of "contraception" raise your hand. They will not rest until they have Total Control of your life. Yes, I know that this is from GB, but you know as well as I do that people in the current administration have already bought into this.

Inquiry opened into New Black Panther case

All I can say is, Its about time!
EXCLUSIVE: Inquiry opened into New Black Panther case - Washington Times
The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has begun an inquiry into the dismissal in May of a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party and two of its members who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place during last year's presidential elections.

The inquiry was disclosed in an Aug. 28 letter to Rep. Lamar Smith, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee who first raised questions about the case's dismissal and asked Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to make available the head of the department's Voting Section for a closed-door briefing about the decision.

In the letter, Mary Patrice Brown, acting counsel, told the Texas congressman that the Office of Professional Responsibility had "initiated an inquiry into the matter" and would "contact you with the results of our inquiry once it is completed." A copy of the letter was obtained by The Washington Times.
I won't be holding my breath waiting for their results.

Anyone unfamiliar with the issue should watch this video.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The People in Indiana's 9th Congressional District Have My Sympathy

This arrogant SoB needs to go!

If I were in the 9th district, this would have warranted a phone call to Hill's office to tell him what I thought of his performance. The people of Pennsylvania re-elcted John Murtha after calling his constituents racists and rednecks -- I just hope the people in Indiana's 9th district show more sense and self-respect.

There will be a choice. I urge everyone to take a look at Todd Young and Travis Hankins. Either of these two gentlemen would be a breath of fresh air for 9th District and all of Indiana.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

'Massive' ancient wall uncovered in Jerusalem

Archeology in the Holy Land always interests me. The wall made of boulders weighing 4 to 5 tons and is the 3,700 years. This puts it in the time of the Canaanites before Hebrews controlled the area.


All of the Americas need to stand together against fascism and our Latin brothers and sisters are doing their part.

Thousands of opponents of Hugo Chavez marched against the Venezuelan president across Latin America on Friday, accusing him of everything from authoritarianism to international meddling.

The protests, coordinated through Twitter and Facebook, drew more than 5,000 people in Bogota, and thousands more in the capitals of Venezuela and Honduras. Smaller demonstrations were held in other Latin American capitals, as well as New York and Madrid.

These marches are much more meaningful than this.

Van Jones Resigns and Surprises Me

I really didn't expect Jones to resign and actually I was hoping that he wouldn't. I figured that the administration was arrogant enough to keep him on no matter what. I guess political expediency beat out arrogance this time.

From the Washington Post:
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones, special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement announcing his resignation just after midnight Saturday. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
How dare they use my own words against me! I never meant any of those things that I said. The videos were faked, yeah that's it, the videos were faked!

Now if we could just get rid of the rest of the wingnuts.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Giving it to Obama, Old School Style

H/T The Anchoress

Not to repeat myself but, Missed It By That Much

Once again the current administration comes up short. This graph by Geoff at Innocent Bystanders says it all.

I'm not pleased by the latest data -- these aren't just numbers, but peoples lives. What this graph does show is what many said before the election; Obama and his cohorts do not understand how the economy works.

The Media, Eyes Wide Shut

At least Glenn Beck, Gateway Pundit, and others are calling Obama out for his czars. The media and Congress are acting like Sargeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes.

Reported yesterday at 11:30AM
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.
The Van Jones (non) feeding frenzy | Washington Examiner

And a 9/5 update:
After the Jones controversy reached a boiling point on Friday, the Washington Post published a story, "White House Says Little on Embattled Jones," on page A-3 of its Saturday edition. But the New York Times remained silent on the story.

Likewise, on Friday night the "CBS Evening News" reported the Jones matter, but ABC's "World News" and "NBC Nightly News" again failed to report the story.
Hats off to the Bryon York at the Washington Examiner.

Friday, September 4, 2009

More than a little creepy

I don't want my kids watching this. Heck, I wish that I hadn't watched. It does have a nasty after taste.

My Two Cents

Here are the comments that I made at the Town Hall. Due to nerves (I didn't prepare) and the time limit, I gave a slightly abbreviated version of what I am posting.

Justice and Term Limits

“Honorable” Senators Bayh and Lugar,

The American people are being asked to trust that the 1000+ page Health Care Bill being put forward is in the best interest of all – rich and poor, red and yellow, black and white. I would like to ask one simple question – WHY SHOULD WE TRUST YOU? Look around your at colleagues and the political leaders around the country and give us one good reason. Corruption and immorality seem to be the rule and not the exception. This has infected all levels of government on both sides of the aisle.

Choosing examples for wasn’t easy – not that examples were hard to find, but there were just too many to choose from. So to keep it simple I’ll just mention a few names. Let’s see there’s:

Charlie – I keep finding money – Rangle

William – Cold Cash – Jefferson

Ted – Extreme Makeover – Stevens

Tim – Turbo Tax – Geithner

Bill – I did not have sex with that woman – Clinton

Mark – She’s my soul mate – Sanford

John – it’s not my kid – Edwards

Larry – Wide Stance – Craig

Rod – ya wanna buy a slightly abused Senate seat – Blagojevich

Barney – I have to pay for it - Frank

There’s not enough time to going into the Republicans licking Jack Abramoff’s hand, nor the Democrats that can’t balance their check books and seemed to think that House of Representatives Bank gives out interest free loans. One final name and then I’ll move on. (No offense toward Democrats intended.) Yes, I admit that this final example was not illegal, but I think it was immoral and criminally stupid: President Barak – The police acted stupidly – Obama. Was that incident racist or just stupid? You be the judge.

Yes, many are prosecuted, but many are not. We have Black Panthers skating after being shown on video intimidating voters. Tax cheats, well that seems to qualify you for a position in the Executive Branch. Hands are slapped one minute, while backs are slapped the next. We have been pretty blessed in Indiana and the amount of scandal has been limited. The two of you are shining examples compared to those that I have mentioned, but don’t get too full of yourselves. They haven’t really set the bar all that high.

No one in Senate nor in the House seems to be outraged. There should be a zero tolerance policy for breaking the public’s trust. You should run these people out of office on a rail. Our children should be able to look up to our elected leaders, but… Damn, congress should have a R or a NC-17 rating. I do not hold just our government at fault; we all, the American people, enable this behavior. After all, we continue to elect these idiots to office.

Now I am coming to the point of this tirade. I ask for you, Senators, to support two things. No, I respectfully demand that you support two things.

The first is justice! Enforce the laws you and your colleagues create. I’m not asking you to hold yourselves to a higher standard than everyone else; that would be nice, but let’s take baby steps. Start by holding yourselves to the same standards that the average American is held to. When there is evidence of wrong doing, work quickly to get to the heart of the matter and then kick out those that are convicted. Look at Cold Cash Jefferson as an example. He was caught on video tape in 2005, the FBI found $90,000 in cash in his freezer matching that given to an informant, and he was finally convicted in August of this year. This is ridiculous.

My second demand, term limits. Term limits do two things. First they protect us from you. It minimizes the amount of time that those unscrupulous officials have to abuse the system to increase their power and wealth. Elected office should not be a career, but only a brief opportunity for service. Second, they protect us from ourselves. See we in Indiana can only vote the two of you out of office – we need your help with everyone else. Do you think Barney Frank would still be in office if we had a say in his election?

Again you ask us to trust you with a bill that is more than 1000 pages long. Heaven only knows what is hidden in there disguised in the legalese. Trust is earned and I’m sorry to say Congress is coming up short. You want our trust? Then give us justice and term limits. Once you do that, come back and we’ll talk.

Hoosier Patriots Town Hall A Major Success

On Tuesday, September 1st, Hoosier Patriots along with a number of other nefarious Right Wing Extremist groups, held a town hall at Don Halls Guest House. We were less than thrilled that the Honorable Senators Evan Bayh and Dick Lugar felt that it was unnecessary to hold a town hall meeting with their constituents to discuss the major issues being addressed in Congress. Both senators were invited to our town hall, but we developed an alternate plan just in case they were unable to attend. They were both represented by life size cardboard cutouts. Students from IPFW dressed as Secret Service agents escorted the Senators to the stage and ensured that there was no trouble from the attending mob.

It was a fantastic meeting and very well attended, nearly 500 people attended. (We were set up for 500 and they brought in more chairs just before things got rolling.) While humor was prevalent throughout the evening, everyone was respectful of their offices even though the senators were absent. DVDs will be sent to both senators to ensure that they have an opportunity to hear us. Videos will also be going up on YouTube soon.

We did receive some local press: Wane TV, Indiana News Center and the Fort Wayne News Sentinel.

One radical got out of hand and the "Secret Service" had to step in.

Here is a link to more photos that my friend Mike shot:

A pro-Obamacare rally was held on Saturday and the headline boasts, "Dozens attend people's town hall." Isn't that precious.