Friday, September 25, 2009

USCCB's Social Justice Arm Caught Funding Pro-Abortion/Prostitution Groups: Takes "Decisive" Action in Response has published an article concerning action being taken by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) in response to a report by Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM) demonstrating that the CCHD has been funding groups that support abortion, contraception, same-sex "marriage," and legalized prostitution.
Reacting to the BVM report, McCloud said, "I was shocked."  McCloud also told LSN that he had not seen any of the information before.  "We routinely, whenever we get complaints and issues that are with some of our groups that even remotely could be contrary to Catholic teaching, we do a serious investigation and look at them," he said.  "And that's what we're doing on these."
Asked how the groups were put on the list in the first place, McCloud explained that "[the] profile of the work that [these groups] were doing in low-income communities did not include things like voters guides.  When we had first begun a relationship with them, they weren't doing any advocacy at all, and we focus just on that particular portion of the work."
In response to the CCHD's handling of the report, Gasper stated, "My organization's pleased that they're taking some active steps, obviously." However, "we're still concerned about how these groups managed to receive funding in the first place," he said.  "We would like to see some steps taken to ensure that that doesn't happen again in the future."
Transparency is definitely needed.

From BMV's report:
Steps you can take to help this campaign

Inform Yourself:

* Take the time to read the information presented on this page carefully and critically.
* Visit the USCCB CCHD website to make sure you’ve heard all sides of this issue
* Read the documents and encyclicals concerning Church social teaching (soon to be posted in the resource section of this web-site)
* Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit

Inform Others:

* E-mail this information to those you know
* Speak to your pastor and parish priests
* Write or meet with your Bishop (a sample letter will be uploaded in the near future)
* Place informational pamphlets in your parish or local Catholic book stores (ask for permission if necessary. A sample pamphlet will be uploaded in the near future)
* Link to this website from your blog or social networking site

Act Decisively:

* Withhold your donation to the CCHD
* Place a note in the collection basket explaining the reasons why you did not contribute to the CCHD (Sample collection note)
* Remain vigilant and continue to inform others until the demands have been met