Friday, September 11, 2009

Deja Vu

This is beginning to look like Bill Murray's Groundhog Day...

Thanks to, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles.

And the first fruits of their labor...
The Census Bureau has established criteria for partnerships, which are listed on our Web site at , and reserves the right to decline partnership or to terminate an existing partnership agreement with any group that 1) may create a negative connotation for the Census Bureau; 2) could distract from the Census Bureau’s mission; or, 3) may make people fearful of participating in the census.

To that end, and in keeping with the standards we shared with your organization and others who volunteered to partner with the Census Bureau to help promote the 2010 Census, we are today terminating our Partnership Agreement with ACORN.

Update: Hey look who finally pulled their heads out of the sand -- ABC (~7:30PM), CBS (~8:30PM), NY Times(~10:00PM), and last but not least MSNBC (~10:30). You go guys!